This past year has been an eye-opening one and we are seeing the world take a sustainable and conscientious turn for the better. People are tired of watching our planet be destroyed, of the lack of opportunities and blatant discrimination, and wasteful business practices lacking humanity. Perhaps it’s the fires devastating our land, the flagrant waste of resources, or the divide we see in our people. But, we are also seeing heroes where we never looked before. Not all heroes wear capes anymore, and the thing is, everyone can be a hero.
We believe everyone can be a steward of nature and humanity. And we see how people want to invest in companies that share these values.
Tarkovski is a global marketing company specializing in environmental and social awareness and betterment. Corporate clients can hire Tarkovski to custom create marketing campaigns to focus on their environmental, social, and governance practices. Or use our our specifically designed projects, Tree Plan and The Bigger Screen, in order to expand their environmental and social standards and expectations.
Making the world a better place. Does it seem cliché? Maybe idealistic? We don’t think so. In fact, we know that bigger than life goals are feasible with a little help from Tarkovski. Things matter these days and none of us should think a dream is too big or that a hero is too small. It matters how companies behave, how resources are used, and how people are treated. Let’s come together and do this. We can make the world a better place. We need to make the world a better place.
However, it’s hard to do this alone. Sure, everyone should be doing their part to help the world and its citizens, but when we team together, bigger things can happen. That’s why Tarkovski creates and supports projects that matter and will continue to make the world a better place. With our two projects, Tree Plan and The Bigger Screen, we work hard to foster opportunity, fairness, and sustainability. We strive to do what matters, whether it be about reforesting the planet or supporting underprivileged artists.

tree plan project.
Our Tree Plan supports environmental consideration and sustainability through planting trees worldwide. Our simple, yet crucial goal is to reforest the planet. Our marketing services combine environmental, social, and commercial goals and bring them together for a single focus, maintaining the health of our planet. To say it simply, we partner with businesses around the world to plant more trees.
Every year, humanity destroys billions of trees. This is devastating for everyone.
Whether it’s for paper production or to make room for cattle, our forests are in imminent danger. This has to change. We need healthy forests to survive as they generate the oxygen for us to live. In fact, one mature tree can produce enough oxygen for 18 people.
With our Tree Plan, we help businesses and the planet. When businesses partner with us, they can create a tree planting plan, whether it’s a single tree planted per purchase or an entire forest. It’s a win-win to support the future of our planet. And, because Tree Plan is a for-profit sustainable business, 100% of a business’s support is tax-deductible.

the bigger screen project.
Tarkovski’s other main project covers the social efforts we believe in.
Through The Bigger Screen project, we open the art of film to filmmakers and audiences who otherwise may not have opportunities to experience this art.
We believe that film is an intimate experience and should be accessible to everyone regardless of income, demographics, or location. Through affordable fees, we open this world to talented filmmakers and interested audiences. Our world needs this art.
We may all have that one film, the one that has stuck with us and maybe even changed our lives. What if we never had that opportunity to see that film? Not everyone has the means to watch cinema, but through The Bigger Screen, we provide free or no cost admission for moviegoers at our film festivals. Think what worlds can be opened up; think what lives this can change.
We provide the Tarkovski Grant to support hundreds of filmmakers every year around the world by supporting film festivals in intimate settings void of the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. Through opening up independent film art to both underprivileged filmmakers and an inclusive audience, The Bigger Screen contributes to our social efforts. Like our Tree Plan, any investment in this type of service is 100% deductible as a cost. You see, anyone can be a hero.
working together.
As more and more companies are noticing the negative events in the world and the bias treatment and practices from businesses, they feel the call to do something to help make the world a better place. It’s okay to dream because here, we want to see dreams become reality. We know that bigger than life goals are feasible with a little help from Tarkovski.
We seek to attract sustainably minded and socially responsible investors and help them evaluate companies in which they might want to invest. More often, investors want to work with companies with values that mirror their own.
The Environment: Let’s focus in on environmental criteria for a moment. When companies are looking to invest, they may look at the environmental practices of a company. This can include anything from a company’s energy use, pollutions emitted, natural resource conservation, and the treatment of animals. Evaluation of a company’s environmental risk is also important. Things like waste management and compliance with government environmental regulations fall into this area. It is important to look at all of a company’s practices and evaluate them in a sustainable, humane, and conservation-minded manner.
This is why our Tree Plan is so important. Companies don’t need an environmental business focus to be stewards of the planet; they can easily support plans like this no matter their field.
Social Criteria: Just as we know that environmental dedication is important to our planet’s welfare, so are social criteria. This covers business relationships and how a company manages relationships with the people around them, both internally and externally. Who do they hire and who are their suppliers? What customers do they attract and how do they involve themselves within their community? All of these factors have the potential to contribute directly to the betterment of the community, and while doing so, can instill that value into their employees. Socially aware companies also attract employees and partners with the shared values of fairness, respect, and inclusivity. As this makes employees feel better about their job and the company they work for, these values continue to spread. You see, it’s not so hard to make the world a better place.
investment goals.
When companies are looking to make investments, it is up to them to decide what criteria are most important. What kind of company do they want to represent and work with? Often, investments are an extension of a business’s own beliefs and a way to reach further into the world.
When companies look to Tarkovski to work with, they can team up with one or more of our projects and achieve multiple goals while doing so. Let’s take a quick look at these goals:
Make the world a better place
Attract sustainable and socially responsible investors
Make employees feel better about their job and the company they work for
Score with environmental and socially conscious clients
Deduct the cost of teaming up 100% of the taxable income
Younger business investors, in particular, have shown an interest in putting their money where their values are. We can help here because that is exactly who we want to work with.
People everywhere want to see the world as a better place. Social media and the news are flooded with images and stories of injustice, and we see it rampant in our communities. It’s no longer easy to hide the harm to our world, and people are ready to take charge and support businesses that long to see change and strive to make it happen. Through investment, citizens can come together and support ethical and sustainable practices. For many people, it’s not enough to talk the talk, they are ready to walk that walk.
Consumers these days are often looking at a company’s practices and mission. Transparent marketing has become a real thing. Consumers want to see ethical practices when it comes to the environment and social justice. People are not jumping in so fast to make purchases and obtain services. They want to know what companies stand for, how they treat their employees and the world around them, and what they do within their community. Sustainable investing is becoming more and more of a thing.

the tarkovski takeaway.
At Tarkovski, we believe in sustainable and ethical practices and stand by our Tree Plan and The Bigger Screen. We are looking for sustainable and socially responsible investors who feel the same.
Together we can make this world what it should be, one teeming with human compassion, responsible business practices, and respect for the planet.
Instead of watching our world take a wrong turn, let’s work together to walk on the right path. The one of sustainability, ethical treatment, and human respect. Tarkovski seeks heroes. Together we can make a difference; together we can become those heroes.
meet the team.

Creative & Managing

Festival Producer Hong Kong

Team Member

Festival Producer North America

Festival Producer

Team Member

Festival Producer
United Kingdom

Festival Producer

Festival Producer

Team Member

Team Member
The Netherlands
Tarkovski Ltd.
10, Stefan Karadzha Str., Floor 3-4, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
VAT: BG204921769
Tarkovski has ongoing projects based in Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, and Australia.
Tarkovski supports projects in Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Ireland, Uganda, Australia, the United States, Malawi, Thailand, Congo, Bangladesh, and Palestine.